Peer-supported OD Course reading



Reading order…

Family Interventions in Psychosis  British Psychological Society (BPS) June 2021

Dallos, R. & R. Draper (2015) An Introduction to Family Therapy: Systemic Theory and Practice. Maidenhead: Open University Press. (Introduction p1-11).  Dallos and Draper Introduction

Hedges F.  (2005) Ch 1 & 3  An Introduction  in An Introduction to Systemic Therapy with Individuals   Palgrave, Macmillan     hedges-2005    Hedges Emotion and self .ch. 3 2005

Seikkula, J.(2011) Becoming Dialogical: Psychotherapy or a Way of Life? The Australian and New Zealand Journal of Family Therapy Volume 32 Number 3, 179–193  Click here to view

Olson, M.,Seikkula, J., Ziedonis,D., Key Elements of Dialogic Practice in Open Dialogue.The University of Massachusetts Medical School, Worcester. MA keyelementsv1-109022014-2

Anderson H., Goolishian H. (1992) The Client is the Expert: A Not Knowing approach to Therapy In Therapy as Social construction, McNamee S., Gergen K.Sage Click here to view

Razzaque R., Stockmann T. (2016)An Introduction to Peer-supported Open Dialogue in Mental Healthcare BJPsych Advances (2016), vol. 22, 348–356   Click here to view

Mead S. (2010) Intentional Peer Support: A Personal Retrospective. IPS website link  Click here to view

Razzaque R., (2015) Mindfulness and Open Dialogue, a common foundation and a common practice. Context April, 138,45-46 Click here to view

Core reading for Module One

Nichols M 2012 Family Therapy Concepts and Methods-chapter-11   

Brown J The Milan Principles

Andersen T Reflections on reflecting with families

Razzaque R (2019) Dialogical Psychiatry Omni House Press. Available at the training venue

Additional suggested reading for Module 1

Anderson H , Conversation and Language Ch10 part 1

Anderson H ch 10 part 2

Workshop Notes by Michael White

Hopfenbeck M Peer-supported Open DialogueWorkshop Notes by Michael White

Beresford P (2013) Beyond the Usual Suspects

Suggested reading for Mentors in Training (MITS)

Anderson H & Swim S1995 Supervision as collaborative conversation- Connecting the voices of supervisor and supervisee 

Monk and Gehart. Sociopolitical activist

Sweeney, A. et al. (2016) Trauma-informed mental healthcare in the UK: what is it and how can we further its development?  UN Human Rights Council, Report of the Special Rapporteur on the right of everyone to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health, 28 March 2017, A/HRC/35/21

Guidance on community mental health services: Promoting person-centred and rights-based approaches (

Defining “Peer Support”: Implications for Policy, Practice, and Research  Darby Penney

Rober P (2005) The Therapists Self in Dialogical Family Therapy, some ideas about not knowing and the therapist’s inner conversation. Family Process  44; 447-495.